Lets agree on the fact that PK's storyline from a bird's eye level was great. A alien getting confused by Human interpretation of God! Now we have agreed upon that we can also agree looking at the details why by a wierd twist of fate PK movie makers (including the director/producer and hero) had slipped seamlessly into the seat of the movie's antagonist by deliberately dialling the wrong numbers to mislead the audience!
What could have been a classic ended up being a unfortunate sham of a movie intent on pressing on vested interests than being true to the story's heart!
1) The Makers have shown an apalling lack of understanding of Sanatana Dharma (I would call it Hinduism henceforth to facilitate better typing speed)
Sorry guys. Wrong Number "Number 1". We have no prophets. We have no bishops, rooks or queens. Yet it is we who have been made pawns in this unfortunate endeavour.
There is no messenger of god whose way is the only true way for us. What we say is "Every soul is potentially divine". The concept of Advaita and Dwaita are the core and mostly followed philosophies in Hinduism. Advaita - Everyone and everything is a mere extension of the same spiritual being. There is no difference between the Creator and the Created. The Created (whether living or non living by our scientific classification) is just the same person in different forms. So, the more we realise this truth, the earlier we reach the Divine.
Difficult to digest? No worries. We have another philosophy that simplifies the same for us to digest. Dwaita - There is this one spiritual being of which many parts branches out. Just like the fire and the sparks. We (again both animate and inanimate) are miniature versions of THAT single being (with varying levels of awareness of it). Example: We have sea water. Suppose, i get a tumbler, a tank, a water bottle and cup and pour the same sea water in these containers, the name changes but the inherent characteristic doesnt. It is the same sea water that we call as the container's water.
In our case, we are like the water in these containers which have the power to merge with the sea depending on our effort. Again, the more we realise this truth (realise not understand), the more easily will we be able to get back to our 'mothership'. There is this thing called death in between which is nothing but a facilitator for change in form. For example, lets again take water. We freeze it, its called ice, we heat it its called gas, all it needs is a process to help it get back to the form we want. That process can be equated with death in the larger picture.
Sorry, RKH and Khan sahaab, we DO NOT need any mediators between God and Ourselves as per our culture itself. In fact, we say that we and God are the same.
2) Wrong Number "Number 2"
Unfortunately on this earth, we need to leave a place to reach another. When you have not seen the destination earlier, it becomes far more difficut. Suppose i send you to a room and say "Take things. We will go on a vacation". You will naturally be confused. Where is the destination? How do we go? What do we need to go there?
On the other hand, If i say, "We are going to Paris. Take things and Get ready.". First you will look at what is Paris? How do i go there? Air or flight or Road or Train? (Obviously different ways of going to any place. There is NO ONE TRUE WAY to reach Paris) What do I have as my resource? How do I use my resource to get there? If I need the additional resource, lets say money, i work to earn more money and make myself financially stronger and procure items required and then start my travel.
Okay. If i dont give you a computer, or a data connection. How do you now get to know about Paris? Ask some third person if he has been to Paris or heard about it and then prepare yourself.
You meet someone who has been to Paris or heard of it through someone, you ask them, how did you go? How much did it cost? How will the climate be? How should I prepare myself?. You get the responses and learn from his experience. This is the concept of a guru. He is a guide through his or known experiences to help you tread a spiritual path.
In Hinduism, the guru is a guide and not a messenger of God. Messenger of God comes in man made religions and there were 2 from the desert who fall in this category. Lets save that for later.
3) The technique called Idol Worship
Nothing fruitful in this world is simple at the outset. We need to make it simple through breaking down a complex activity into a number of steps and stages. In fact, why dont we write 12th exams in our 1st standard? Human brain can accept only limited information within a given time. We need to develop the knowledge in stages. Sounds Obvious right? Seems like the Makers of PK missed it.
In Hinduism you see Idol worshippers, non idol worshippers both. The starters usually are idol worshippers, the masters no longer need one as they have found the next clue. Both are not at logger heads with each other because they understand the need for each other.
Practical example, try focussing on nothing for 30 seconds. Try focussing on the image of Lord Shiva with a Trident in a meditative pose for 30 seconds. Which gives you more focus? The latter obviously. Focussing on nothing from the start tends to frustrate our small brain and usually makes it violent. So our mind trains to focus on some physical object or picture or person first which develops the powers of concentration of mind and this focus when turned inward leads to deeper spiritual insights.
Our brilliant forefathers linked this special technique with the concept of a Ishta Devta with whom we can share our happiness and sorrow, requests and wishes and thank yous to give a sense of companionship and belonging. This is called a technique - a gradual process to channel your spiritual energy. Okay, why do you need n number of gods for this purpose? No two persons share the same interests. The biggest strength in this technique is that they have identified and addressed the need to recognise and harmonise diverse human belief systems. People who idolise strength and boldness can focus on shiva, those who like intelligence can focus on ganesha, those who love "self-consciousness" can focus on vishnu, and similarly for female deities like Lakshmi to Kali to Saraswati etc. The more you think about these things, the more pieces will fall into place. Nay, we discover that they were already in place
Unfortunately, when you have ulterior agendas to address, you have to miss the real science and focus on the frills instead for the sake of sensationalism. This is Wrong Number "Number 3"
4) Miss the science, Guess the farce
"Why are Gods subjected to sacred bath (ABHISHEKAM) in a routine?" The answer lies within our self. We take bath to get ourselves fresh and the same is applied here, but with some added advantages. The idols are used to store the cosmic energy and dissipate them. We know that energy transfer occurs only when there is a potential difference exist. Here in this case the idols are the high potential dissipaters and we(humans) are the low potential absorbers. The amount of energy an idol can store in them varies with respect to the size of the idol. (Sorry that I couldn't give the exact mathematical expression between the size and the storage capacity of an idol.) Hence if the number of absorbers increase, the amount of energy lost by the idols will also increase. We know that an average count of people visiting a temple may be 1000/day. And as the count is pretty high the idol is pushed to its limits of transferring capacity by continuously getting energy from the Khumbam and supply it to the devotees visiting the temple . This phenomenon would eventually make the God to become powerless within a day. To be scientific, the composition of the idols would lose the capability of storing the cosmic energy within itself.
In order to replenish the cosmic power & vibrations of the idols, the idols are subjected to the ritual called Abhishekam. This is a ritual in which the idols are made to take sacred bath not only with water, but also with Vibhuti, honey, milk, turmeric etc. Each of these items, provide different nature of vibrations and energy and provides differing degrees and aspects of the positivity of the radiation based on each item. After the Abhishekam(Holy Bath) is done, the composition of idols gets prone to the radiation again. And since they had been replenished with rich ingredients, the capabilities of God gets restored. Thereby our God starts blessing the devotees again.
A similar bath is done to the idols present in our home also. But we usually don't do it daily. That's because the idols present in our home has only few numbers of devotees.(less absorbents and hence less lose of energy )
Usually after the Abhishekam is done, the spent liquid is passed on to the devotees for them to drink or to apply on their heads. Since the liquid is made to flow over the statues, it is believed to have the energy collected by them. And making use of that liquid(locally called as TEERTHAM) may certainly have some good effects on us. And this Maker of the movie, without having an iota of brain to look at the science, he looks at the
For some more rituals and their significances, check this reasonably good blogpost : http://online-raj.blogspot.in/2012/06/ancient-tamil-traditions-customs-and.html
4) Fake Spiritual Leaders
Lets use the same Going to Paris has become a fad and many people plan to go there. There is so much craze that you are willing to shell money to get someone tell about Paris. Also this means, you are not patient enough to search for a person who has genuinely gone to Paris (How do you know whos genuine, experience and inquiry - which are already prescribed in Hinduism). You want a quick fix where there is none and get the wrong guy's idea to make your trip, it is bound to affect you.
Also, if someone says to you that
(a) HE ALONE is the person who has gone to Paris
(b) If you DO NOT FOLLOW path specified by HIM ONLY
(c) He is the LAST PERSON who has gone to Paris
you obviously know he is bluffing. Why dont we apply the same logic while seeking our spiritual prophets and gurus?
And you know who are the two most famous personalities who fall under this bracket?
(a) Mr. Muhammed and (b) Mr. Christ
Former - A cursory reading of the former will tell you that he was indeed bluffing. His actions did not show any renunciation or disassociation towards material life but it surged towards it. Be it in the form of paedophilia where he married a 6 yr old Aisha (and this guywas 51 odd yrs old that time) and had consummated when she was 9 till she was 18 or the fanatical blood thirst whereby he asked his followers to execute those who didnt believe in HIS ONLY way and unleash bloodshed or the way he proclaimed that HE IS THE LAST Messenger of God to supress any claim to his seat of power. And Mr. Khan religiously believes these kindergarten stories while criticising something much much more scientific than his "broker" even imagined. The book says even vile things but lets not digress.
Latter - The lesser said the better - Old testament being as bad as a rough cut of the Former's book. Full of scientific inaccuracies and obsolete statements and cock and bull stories like Adam and Eve that even the followers felt that they had to rewrite the same. And saying of Man-Made religions! If only Jesus was a hooker, he would have been the richest hooker in the world going by the number of times, he has been sold by his "missionaries".
Where both share common ground is that they are shallow in their analysis of life after death, simplistic concept of Heaven and Hell. Which in fact shows that there are two power centres in the world - the Creator and the Saitan or Satan. They own distinct territories namely Heaven and Hell. If Satan is in charge of Hell and God isnt, doensnt it beg the question "If God is Supreme, is Satan God too?" Basic inconsistency not addressed. SImply because, it is man-made. We tend to leave loose ends. Nature does not. No wonder they share the same place of origin, same phonetics (Ebrahim vs Ibrahim) etc and same culture. I sometimes wonder if they were competing power hungry leaders of political parties than spiritual guides. You can just see their spiritual impact on the number of lives claimed by their followers in the past 1000 years. From America, to Africa to Australia to more recently Kashmir, Iraq & Afghanistan, wherever you see, you see them spreading blood than brotherhood.
Now looking at the film, the antagonist is more of an exception that has been blown up into being shown as a mainstream one while the major culprits whose concepts reek of mediation between Man and God and of artificialness are let loose. So, either this shows inadequate research or deliberate attempt to malign one way of life while not even using the available real life examples.
Are you deliberately dialling the Wrong Number, makers of "PK" just like the antagonist in the movie?
5) Misusing tolerance - Wrong Number "Number 5"
The problem with Hindus is that we had placed a heavy reliance on trust and did not join the bandwagon of religious players competing for space in terms of no. of followers count. This resulted in allowing the agnostics to continue as he is without helping him out with regard to gaining a better understanding of the religion. And, our trust and other factors like invasion and genocide during Mughal rule resulted in us not actively procuring knowledge of the ancestors and drifting away (made to?) from the core thought process and the science behind our way of life. Best way to remedy it would be believing our ancestors practices and following it and seeing the results for ourselves.
Unfortunately in the absence of reposing that trust in our ancestors than modern science, media & left influenced pseudo intellectuals like the makers of this movie, would continue to target Hindu tolerance and focus on chipping away at our core belief system and way of life. I guess all they want is us to become agnostic before joining their circus because as they say in Tamil - Where the whole town is running naked, the one with the underwear would be called an fool"