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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Marrying Logic to Faith

There are a lot of thought seeds that we dont wish to plant afresh or review a 'ratoon' thought. One such seed is the view on 'God'.

A recent question from my agnostic friend made me review my understanding of God. Surprisingly enough, I stumbled upon a piece of paper which had, though already known, an interesting interpretation of God.

The question in fact was the same I heard from my friend, the oft repeated - 'How do u prove God exists? And how is he seemingly present everywhere?'.

1. There is no effect without cause.

If there exists something such as the world, there is a cause to it. Earth, humans, water, space everything has a causal factor for its existence. This cause is what we call God.

2. One cause may have multiple effects

Clay can be the cause for pots, as a building material, utensil etc. Clay being a single cause, can manifest into 'n' forms. The same way, God being the single cause of creation, manifests into different forms of living and non living entities. Hence the Expression, 'God is everywhere and omnipresent'.

3. Symbolism of Om

Om is the Hindu symbol for the absolute.Om is not a word but rather an intonation, which, like music, transcends the barriers of age, race, culture and even species. It is made up of three Sanskrit letters, aa, au and ma which, when combined together, make the sound Aum or Om. Om provides a dualistic viewpoint. On one hand, it projects the mind beyond the immediate to what is abstract and inexpressible. On the other hand, it makes the absolute more tangible and comprehensive. It encompasses all potentialities and possibilities; it is everything that was, is, or can yet be. It is omnipotent and likewise remains undefined.

Aa-Au-Ma covers the whole range of sound vibrations.It represents the omnipotent and the undefinable 'cause'.

4. Interpretation of Avatars

The infinite, all-pervading Truth, donning the finite form of a human being, gives the impression that the God's ambit is limited. This idea of the illimitable Truth seeming to be limited is well brought out by the fact that Krishna is said to have been born in prison.

In Sanskrit, the world Krishna means "dark", indicating the Supreme Consciousness. Pure Consciousness is said to be "dark", not as opposed to "light," but in the sense that it is unseen by or unknown to one as long as one remains footed in earthly experiences, experiences limited to the realms of perceptions, emotions, and thoughts gained through the physical body, and the intellect.

The incarnation of Krishna represents the descent of the infinite Brahman to the material world.

The one infinite Reality has become the world of endless forms. Therefore, every form in the universe is, in a sense, but a representation of the single 'Cause' - God.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Conclusions of a troubled mind

U want to give your best. U give your best . But when the reckoning time arrives, u see the result - loop holes that u did not imagine comes out in your work.U Stare harder ... At the table when the senior finds out more issues with your deliverable. What startles u more is the fact that those bases which u covered to your comfort starts betraying u. A Few Updated figures start turning back colors. Few discussions u had start getting blurred in your memory at the time it is required to be summoned.

U grind past that day much to the apparent not-fully-satisfied reaction of ur superior.

End of day: U revisit the errors. Promise yourself to be more structured in ur approach next time. work out an outline of approach next time.

Fresh assignment: u take fresh guard. Ur promise of being more organised / structured revisits u. Start planning an approach. Start implementing the same.

Initial days of assignment: start facing problems with following ur structure since the data availability is not as per your plan.

Midway: Deviate significantly from the plan due to time constraints. Your follow up list for data gets wider than the amazon river. Multiple works start flooding your way.

Last leg; Work starts dictating your plan. u go with the flow trying to compare your progress with your plan in bits and pieces.

Slog overs: Once ur work is over, u start reviewing your work for gaps. The bugs start popping out. U diligently sort d bugs out of the deliverables.

Game over - aha! Atleast That's what u think! A familiar tide hits u when it is reviewed by your superior ! (Para 2 and 3 on details of the tide)

The question now is, what is it that stands between intention and execution? Whether it is called focus? Or memory? Or plain fate? How is it that few things do slip from our mind even if we desperately want it to remain? Whether the magic of remembering is to plain try repeatedly? If it is repeated action is the panacea that is required, what happens if the things to remember are varied and change frequently ?

If intent is the one that is required, definitely that requirement is fake since with the best of intentions things may .. Nah things DO slip out of mind.

If focus, what is focus if not intent and thoughts in 'present'. Is there something else to focus that makes it the formidable force legend says it to be.?

Or is it plain facome?
I prefer to call it Fate. It is the edge that one has between slipping up a climb or making the climb in the first try. If the 'time' is good, doesn't 'focus' come automatically ? That's why is it difficult to summon focus at will since it comes only at the time fate calls rather allows it to come?

So why not put the blame on fate and start preparing for the next assignment with the same intensity... This is definitely a defensive mindset but it insulates us from pondering excessively over mistakes or losses - small or big and the frustration of giving it our best and not getting back the same in return .

In times of disappointment fate keeps u sealed from the pain we get hammered with.

Question arising from the post above:
What is that difference between effort and result?
Why is result in most cases, unjust to our (Atleast my) intent and effort?

One opinion expressed above:
Believe in Fate! Ida nan sollalingo …

“What fates impost, that men needs abide; it boots not to resist both wind and tide”
– William Shakespeare apdi nu oru appatakar ae sollirukkar.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Road Not Taken (2011)

May life be ever best o you,
May God be ever gentle to you,
And then on a quiet day,
May you realize life was better this way!

And a soul mate you did find,
yet I have you in my mind. Hard though it is,
I can't wish him bad, lest life gives you one ugly kiss,
'Coz you are the best memory I never had!

I wish I could turn back time,
and attempt one thing I always wished,
but I know I must walk away
and allow myself to be healed.

Wish I atleast tried letting you know, but
mind and sanity had prevailed unfortunately.
The satisfaction of atleast letting you know,
is now lost forever!

Laughter, fun time and tears,that never were,
is the only proof of the 'the road not taken' .
I don't really want to let you go,
but inside me I know I must.

Can I reroute the course you have taken,
and start over once again?

- x - x -

P.S: If the poem's para sequencing seems to be in the reverse order, it is meant that way, to be inline with the theme of the poem.

P.P.S: Sequencing style is inspired from 'Irreversible'.